Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Basic usage: fc4 OPTIONS PATH [PATH...]

When invoked with the -w | --watch option, instead of immediately processing the diagrams and exiting, the tool will start up in a persistent mode, watching the YAML files and processing them when they’re changed. To exit, press ctrl-c on your keyboard.


Feature Options

-f | --format

Reformats each specified Structurizr Express YAML file as described above.

-r | --render

Renders each specified Structurizr Express YAML file as described above.

-s | --snap

If specified, elements in diagrams will be snapped to a virtual grid.

Output Formats

-o FORMATS | --output-formats FORMATS

Specifies the output format(s) for rendering diagrams.

Here are some examples of valid ways to use this option:


-w | --watch

If specified, the tool will start up in a persistent mode and watch the YAML files in/under the specified paths for changes. When a file is changed, the tool will process it according to the feature options, at least one of which is required. In this mode, the tool does not process any files when first invoked.

E.g. fc4 -fsrw . would watch the current directory and all sub-directories, recursively, for changes to diagram files; when a change is observed the diagrams, would be formatted, snapped, and rendered.

Other Options

-h | --help

Prints out usage information and exits.

-d | --debug

Enables a debug mode of dubious utility.