This change history is meant to include changes that impact end-users; please do not add changes that are relevant only to those working on FC4 itself.
Date | Description | PR | Release |
TBD | Reorganize website | TBD | TBD |
2019-12-10 | Render SVG to .svg files | #239 | 2019.12.10-3d660b6 |
2019-10-03 | Render diagrams as SVG and/or PNG | #214 | 2019.10.03-6bb09fb |
2019-09-17 | Remove Node renderer and CLI option --tmp-renderer |
#205 | 2019.09.17-6da6ef8 |
2019-09-10 | Make the Clojure renderer the default | #197 | 2019.09.10-c987903 |
2019-08-05 | Change recommended installation method to Homebrew | #188 | 2019.09.10-df9ca2d |
2019-07-26 | New CLI option --tmp-renderer |
#178 | 2019-07-26_1982 |
2019-07-10 | Simplify CLI | #177 | 2019-07-10_1868 |
2019-04-12 | New CLI subcommands | #153 | 2019-04-12_1422 |
2019-03-19 | Fix concurrency bug | #152 | 2019-03-19_1389 |
2019-03-11 | Fix packaging bug that broke rendering | #148 | 2019-03-11_1354 |
2019-02-19 | Keys are now included in rendered diagrams | #146 | 2019-02-19_1243 |
2018-12-20 | New unified file-based authoring workflow | #135 | (couldn’t find it (??)) |
2018-11-27 | Fixed rendering and improved the renderer’s error-handling | #106 | 2018-11-27_678 |